Consider the following Binary Tree as an example:
As we can see, the provided tree only have 5 nodes [1,2,3,4,5]. How can we transverse i.e. visit each node of the given tree in the following order (left, root, right)?
An easy way to do that might be recursion.
1 class TreeNode:
2 def __init__(self, val):
3 self.val = val
4 self.left = None
5 self.right = None
7 def inorderTraversal(root):
8 answer = []
10 inorderTraversalUtil(root, answer)
11 return answer
13 def inorderTraversalUtil(root, answer):
15 if root is None:
16 return
17 else:
18 print("1).. before left:",answer)
19 inorderTraversalUtil(root.left, answer)
20 print("2).. after left:",answer)
21 answer.append(root.val)
22 print("3).. before right:",answer)
23 inorderTraversalUtil(root.right, answer)
24 print("4).. after right:",answer)
25 print("---------------")
26 return
28 root = TreeNode(1)
29 root.left = TreeNode(2)
30 root.right = TreeNode(3)
31 root.left.left = TreeNode(4)
32 root.left.right = TreeNode(5)
34 print(inorderTraversal(root))
The above code visits each node of the tree and appends the current node to a list called answer. Taking a deeper look, we can see how it does that, we will look only at the interesting lines of this code:
It all starts with line 34 calling inorderTraversal function with root as its argument. Please note that root value is 1 here. Inside inorderTraversal, it creates an empty list called ‘answer’ at line 8 and then goes into inorderTraversalUtil at line 10.
Root value is 1
Goes through lines 13 to 19 prints: 1).. before left: once because of line 18
At line 19: because of recursion it now passes root.left (i.e. 1.left which is value 2) as an argument to inorderTraversalUtil and then again goes from line 13 to 19 printing: 1).. before left: again because of line 18.
Root value is 2
At line 19: because of recursion it now passes root.left.left (i.e. 2.left which is value 4) and then again goes from line 13 to 19 printing: 1).. before left: the third time because of line 18.
Root value is now 4
At line 19: because of recursion it now passes root.left.left.left (i.e. as we dont have any 4.value, it passes NULL). It now sees that our tree does not have any 4.left value, so this time it only goes from line 13 to 16 and returns nothing.
As expected, it does NOT print 1).. before left: the 4th time.
Now, finally, it goes into the next line i.e. line 20 and prints 2).. after left: and appends the current node (that is 4) to the empty answer list at line 21.
The answer list is now [4]
Next, it goes to line 23 and prints “3).. before right:”
After, at line 24, we call function inorderTraversalUtil again but this time the argument is root.left. Note that current value of node is [4] and 4.left does not exist so, it returns empty at line 16.
After no return from line 23, it now goes to line 24 and prints 3).. after right: and then prints ”—————“ due to line 25.
Looking at the terminal output, as expected, we can see the following output during the first complete iteration:
Remember that the above was for only the first complete iteration (That is when root value was 4). Now, because of recursion, it will complete the second iteration with root value 2 and then again with value 1. Every time it completes an iteration, it will add that current element to the ‘answer’ list and at the end, answer list will be [4,2,5,1,3]
Full terminal output below: